
Sebastian Inlet from the Pier. by Nathaniel Harrington

The other day at Sebastian Inlet i wanted to shoot from the pier, a perspective that I hadn't shot before. It seemed like a pretty good day for it, fair weather and a south wind, and the pier wasn't full of fishermen giving me a little room to move around. 

I shot these angles and am pretty happy with them! We watched a monster snook get pulled in, and enjoyed the bloody mess that the pier can be when fish are being caught. 

Enjoy the photos, 

A short Instagram edit I made inspired by the snook. 

Lively up there... River had a blast running around, chasing birds, and checking out people's fish. 

I briefly moved down to the beach in time to get brock Taylor on a big cutty. Then finished the day with Zoe and Andrew. 

Always Fun. 

Thanks for checking out the blog and enjoy the rest of my site. 

-Nathaniel Harrington

Sebastian Inlet Edit, GromSocial crew going nuts! by Nathaniel Harrington

Yesterday was a ton of fun at Sebastian Inlet! 

Here's a little edit I did for Instagram. 14 seconds of awesome. 

Luke Marks, Caroline Marks, Jack Marks, and Chauncey Robinson. 


-Nathaniel Harrington

A YEAR WITH THE WILD LYFE CREW by Nathaniel Harrington

If you have 45min this is a fun East Coast surf video. 

Raven Lundy
Adrian Colaprete
Colin Herlihy
Todd Elder
Bryce Humphrey
Noah Snyder
Drew Meredith
Michael Meredith
Pat Foster
Peter Sutphin
Paul Edmunds
Tyler Balak
Jake Barbini
Tucker Terry
Lucas Rogers
Laird Myers
Brian Stoehr



-Nathaniel Harrington