
Sebatian Inlet with Tommy and Chase. by Nathaniel Harrington

Its already been a couple weeks since we had a decent day of surf, these summer lulls are setting in and its making my head hurt. On the other hand its been awesome to get out and fish, explore more of Florida while the ocean lays flat, which has really been the reason this blog post hasn't happened sooner. 

In that, these shots are from a fun day spent at Sebastian Inlet with Tommy Coleman and Chase Modelski. Also there are a few good images of surf coach Michel Flores and and South African Rigard Smit. 

It was another day of shooting from shore for me as my water housing is getting some leak repairs done. I guess when you use it as much as I do maintenance is required. :/ 

They surfed, we fished, we surfed some more soaking up every bit of swell we could before this long flat spell. Check it out. 

Chase Modelski is a ripper! Hard to believe I haven't linked up with him sooner, but glad I have now.  

South African Rigard Smit enjoying the tropical temps of our florida waters. 




Tommy taking care of close outs. 

My daughter River hanging out with me on the beach. Its pretty rad to be able to bring her to work. She's styling some VonZipper's and a lot of SunBum! 


There's only one person I have ever seen rip tiny waves apart like Tommy Coleman, and that is his surf coach Michel Flores. This Brazilian knows how to get performance out of his surf boards in every condition. 

Chase Modelski reminds me of Chauncey Robinson. I'm seeing a lot of similarities in the way these guys surf. 

When your surf coach goes upside down. Michel Flores trying Brazilian aerials. 




Tommy Coleman. 

Afternoon Sessions in board shorts. Chase loving some spring time air. 

Tommy's backhand snap is ridiculously dangerous. 

And his fin release moves nail are sure to grab attention. 

I haven't seen Blake Spier much lately, looks like he is always heading to cool places on planet earth, stoked to link up with him on this classic Sebastian Inlet first peak air revo. 


Since I was shooting from the beach I figured I may as well make a short edit. Tommy Coleman has his air revo's on lock making this easy. 


That's all from one day. So much fun. 

Thanks a lot for checking into my site, hope you enjoyed. 

-Nathaniel Harrington

@tommybooboo1 @chasemodelski @treasurecoastwatermansclub @rigardsmit92 @natehphoto

Sebastian Inlet from the Pier. by Nathaniel Harrington

The other day at Sebastian Inlet i wanted to shoot from the pier, a perspective that I hadn't shot before. It seemed like a pretty good day for it, fair weather and a south wind, and the pier wasn't full of fishermen giving me a little room to move around. 

I shot these angles and am pretty happy with them! We watched a monster snook get pulled in, and enjoyed the bloody mess that the pier can be when fish are being caught. 

Enjoy the photos, 

A short Instagram edit I made inspired by the snook. 

Lively up there... River had a blast running around, chasing birds, and checking out people's fish. 

I briefly moved down to the beach in time to get brock Taylor on a big cutty. Then finished the day with Zoe and Andrew. 

Always Fun. 

Thanks for checking out the blog and enjoy the rest of my site. 

-Nathaniel Harrington

December Fog by Nathaniel Harrington

As my coffee brewed and the first glimpse of light began to show yesterday morning I knew I was in for a special treat. Fog filled the perfectly still air, my first clue as to the conditions of the sea. Its mornings like these that keep my excitement going, something a little different, and totally perfect. 

Have a look at the pristine surf Vero Beach enjoyed at the break of dawn yesterday. 

Its awesome to have a slight change of background from time to time, I'll take the fog any day. 

Its awesome to have a slight change of background from time to time, I'll take the fog any day. 

Touchdown Moment. 

Fog Lines. 

This is probably my favorite image from the shoot. The surf was so calm that the reflections of the barrels were the only way to determine where the wave was actually breaking. My photos make a clearer, more distinctive look than how it was in the moment. Its good that the camera captures more than the eye. 

The sun even decided to make an appearance for a brief moment, making for some really amazing lighting. 

A perfect moment. As this barrel touches down and the pelican fly's toward shore, the lighting and ocean all came together to make one brilliant image. 

And last but not least here's a few seconds of some Slow Motion barrels from the same morning. Once the sun came out I had to play with my iPhone 6 in its WaterShot Housing. 

This video is about Slow-Mo December Barrels


Well thank you all for visiting and enjoy your Holidays! 

-Nathaniel Harrington



Tatum for 32 to One. by Nathaniel Harrington

Here's a little edit I made from my shoot with the Beautiful wife, Tatum Harrington! 

We headed out west of Vero Beach to a little ranch and got some amazing photos. Those will come later. As for now enjoy this sneak peak! 

Thanks for viewing, 

-Nathaniel Harrington

Luke Marks, Sebastian Inlet Dawn Patrol Edit. by Nathaniel Harrington

I shot this about a week ago at the Inlet with Luke Marks. It was a gamble whether the surf was going to be good or not, and it was very close to being horrible surf. We still managed to link up on a few turns and a little air that all came together for this fun edit. It's always worth swimming out in the morning! 

-Nathaniel Harrington

Sebastian Inlet Edit, GromSocial crew going nuts! by Nathaniel Harrington

Yesterday was a ton of fun at Sebastian Inlet! 

Here's a little edit I did for Instagram. 14 seconds of awesome. 

Luke Marks, Caroline Marks, Jack Marks, and Chauncey Robinson. 


-Nathaniel Harrington