nathaniel harrington

I found a few Honu's. by Nathaniel Harrington

I was going through some images yesterday looking for some shots for a friend when I came across a few unseen Honu shots from a dive in Maui.  

Stoked to share with you!   

Contact me about getting one of these on your wall? :) It'd look great, I promise. Share the Aloha and love of the Ocean.  

Underwater Adventure. by Nathaniel Harrington

Yesterday was an awesome day! I went over to Porter's in Laguna to head out on fun underwater adventure. We did a little rock jumping, cave diving, body surfing, and lots of swimming. 

It was pretty crazy being in the caves. The cave mouths were at the waters edge and on the set waves the water closed up the entrances/exits. It'd go pitch black and for a few seconds and we had to wait for the water to rush in all around us then recede back out to allow the light to once again fill the cave. I won't lie, it was kinda scary, but super fun! 

There's never a dull moment in Laguna if your looking for an adventure! 

Lookin' Out by Nathaniel Harrington

Sweet View!  

Last evening was pretty fun at the all time most surfed spot in Southern California, Salt Creek. Summer time means mushy, crowded and not very fun, but last night actually was pretty sweet. I haven't shot too many images like this one, so I'm stoked that one of my first was at creek.  

Enjoy the View!