Winds: 0mph
Surf: 1-2ft
Sounds good to me!
Here's some shots from this mornings adventures! I found some fish including a school of Snook, a couple Nurse Sharks, Stingrays, and lots of reef fish. The visibility was still only a few feet, but that'll work for me. It's just good to be out there.
Morning Motion.
Another blury cave.
I love getting into the water early to watch the day begin!
Big Snook!
Here's a little nurse shark I found close to shore. This is the first Nurse Shark I have ever swam with! Really stoked to see her this morning!
And I saw this Nurse Shark's tail sticking out from under the ledge. I dove down to find that she was pretty big! I would say close to six feet or so.
Reef fish in the structure. /;
Soo Fun!
It's always good to see life on the reefs!
Thanks for checking the Blog and I hope you have a great weekend!
-Nathaniel Harrington