nathaniel harrington

Nathaniel Harrington

Tail winds of Hurricane Isaias by Nathaniel Harrington

Here’s a quick edit I made with the footage we gathered on this quick South Florida road trip. Daniel Glenn and Jack Hendrix wanted to chase the storm up the coast pretty much staying as close behind the storm as possible in an attempt to get the largest surf possible. It worked out really well. Check out the edit below.

Daniel Glenn quick hand drag in a South Florida barrel.

Daniel Glenn quick hand drag in a South Florida barrel.

An empty rolls through, it was looking gorgeous.

An empty rolls through, it was looking gorgeous.

Simple good fun.

I like making films with zero expectations :) Hope to be able to do this again soon.

-Nathaniel Harrington

Storms & Surf. by Nathaniel Harrington

I woke up to some beautiful surf this morning... I'm kind of bewildered by the fact that the beach is all mine... but couldn't be more stoked. 

I have an awesome edit of photos that I will hopefully be posting later this evening. As of now, its time to go get wet again. 


Welcome to Florida. 

A couple Panoramas to start the day. by Nathaniel Harrington

I love the iPhone 5c. 

Its my first iPhone, and yah, I love it. Check out these cool Panoramas I did with it this morning here in Vero Beach, Florida. 

My water equipment.. 

Under the Pier. 

BAM! Welcome the day in! Happy weekend everyone. 

The surf was pretty messy this morning so I just played with my camera on the sand. I have not done that in a long time! So it was kinda refreshing. 

Enjoy your Saturday! 

Mahalo for checking in! 

-Nathaniel Harrington


Color & Texture. by Nathaniel Harrington

I did a re-edit on a few photos from a very beautiful morning last summer in Newport Beach, California.

I think it was twice that the sun came out of the clouds just as it popped over the horizon?? I just remember it being a very cloudy summer... I'm stoked that I got it while it was good though, and in a place where no one else was! Super frothing. 

So check these out. How about that Color and Texture? Pretty Groovy. 

Reminds me of reptiles.. Lizards and Dragons!

yah? ....  

Thanks for checking in! 

-Nathaniel Harrington


Vero Beach Shorebreak, Part 3. by Nathaniel Harrington

I'm going to start this off again with a sunrise that I'll never forget. What a beautiful morning. 

Here are the rest of the photos that I am going to post, for now, of last monday morning in Vero Beach, Florida. It is amazing what the right tides and off-shore winds will do to surf. I know I was impressed, hope you enjoy also! 

I've spent most of my life watching beautiful sunsets, I guess it time to start watching the sunrise.

Close Up. 

The two above images are pretty awesome views of a barrel. I obviously played with lighting on them, its fun to see something a bit different. 

Peaks like this were going through all morning. 2ft A-frames up and down the beach. 

Peaks like this were going through all morning. 2ft A-frames up and down the beach. 

Above: There wasn't much wind but a little gust caught the lip of this wave just as it was throwing over, making this wave one of the most unique I have ever seen. It almost looks like its throwing backwards. 

Timing is everything. The absolute calm before the break. 

Again this is another all time favorite photo. I ran around the house showing everyone after I finished editing it. My wife even told me that this could potentially become wall art in our house, that's never happened before... Stoked! I love the color of the buildings reflecting off the water and of course the fanned out lip is pretty cool! 


It was like that for hours... So much fun! 


Thanks so much for checking in! Please do share if you like what you saw! 


-Nathaniel Harrington