Has reality hit? If your answer to that is no, or even maybe, then I have an idea for you. Search.
Flying over Cuba today... Strange feelings to look down at this Island considering the poverty and oppression that happens there... So close to home.
Today is my first day in Antigua, Guatemala. At the end of a very melo 2 1/2 hour flight from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, you can find yourself in a very real atmosphere, filled with very real issues, and genuinely real people.
I've left the USA couple times... Once for the sweetest surf trip ever, 1500 miles into Baja, Mexico. The other, a soccer tournament in Canada. Mexico was a big eye-opener for me, that's when the fire began to burn. I've seen the American way of life all my life long, until that border crossing.... I was for the first time introduced to poverty, a reality I had to see first hand because words cannot describe.
Guatemala is now my second glimpse at things sometimes talked about back home but very rarely ever acted upon. It makes me to wonder, what it would be like for US citizens if they were met with 3rd world living conditions every day? What would that look like for you?
I am of all people the biggest culprit of self pity and selfishness. My finger is pointed straight upon my own face at the realization that there are millions of people in this world that need freshwater and food. I'm told that everyday, but what have I ever done about it? I am so extremely humbled and honored to leave my cozy lifestyle for a week to whiteness a very unique and strangely exceedingly more stylish way of life here in Guatemala. The eye-opening experience of this culture quickly turns into heart surgery on spiritual levels.
It's been a half a day here and my mind is spinning with culture shock.. A taxi picked us up from the airport, drove us through Guatemala City, and dropped us off in the touristic village of Antigua. The car ride showed me that there are major needs in this country, a quick walk around Antigua impressed me with beauty beyond my imagination.
I am not sure what the rest of this week is going to show me but I'm praying that The Lord shows me truth, and teaches me compassion. It's going to be an awesome adventure to embark on with my new friend Donothan Williams and all the staff/students here at Potters Field Ministries located in Antigua, Guatemala. My first thoughts and introduction to this blog on this trip have been thoughts stirring in my head for quite some time(since Mexico...). Also, I don't claim to be much of a writer but I hope I can throw a few thoughts and feelings into this blog this week. I want to share what happens here and I want to share visuals of this amazing landscape. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as this week continues.
Here's such a tiny part of what I saw today. I'm going to do my best to give updates all week long as this trip progresses. Enjoy the beauty!
fresh baked banana bread in a bakers door.
Antigua is so colorful! Street corners show age, wear and tare, and more style than I have ever seen in the US.
much of this city was built as far back as the 1500's. 200 years prior to the beginning development of the States. Humbling to look at.
transportation and citi banks.
color, beauty, age, style.
Welcome to Potters Field Ministries school. A launching pad for young adults looking to make a real difference in this world, for this moment, and eternity.
this is Potters Field.
if these are my views for the week, this is going to be one of the best weeks of my life!
sunset behind the volcano.
the courtyard.
the first class I sat in on was a Media class. Instantly my mind was racing with ideas I hope to share with this school.
wow, what an introduction. This is going to be an awesome week.
Thanks for checking in!
-Nathaniel Harrington