Fishing on the “Betty J” for the 48th annual Pelican Yacht Club Billfish Tournament we caught this nice 18.6lbs Mahi-Mahi winning the meat fish division for Mahi.

As Dorian finally passed north up the coast of Florida, leaving death and destruction behind in the Bahamas, it gave the central coast of Florida the longest running lefts I’ve ever seen.

Diving with Captain Goop Charters, we encountered this school of blue runners and bull sharks off the coast of Vero Beach, Florida.
This is one of the craziest experiences of my life, summer of ‘18. I dove about 30ft down when i ran into the school of blue runners. i started photographing them when I saw this 6ft bull shark emerge from the thick cloud of fish. I spent the next 45 seconds or so filming it and photographing it until i was out of breathe from the chase and it was time for air again.
You can watch this experience in my video “Spears and Sharks” Linked to my YouTube Channel.

Two Sting rays and a blacktip reef shark swim into frame. Only in Bimini, Bahamas
On set with Pursuit Boats and Tiara Yachts.

Allen Xploration outings include rafting up the yachts for a quick photo shoot!

Mr. Carl Allen of Allen Xploration watches as his pilot glides the Icon inches above the ocean.

Its not often that you can find such a perfectly formed barrel such as this on the East Coast. This glassy tube has earned a spot in my top favorites and is sold as one of my Limited Edition Fine Art Prints, currently available on Glass and Aluminum.

Near perfect conditions and storm brewing at sea. Sebastian Inlet, Florida. Spring 2014.

Walking around Bathsheba, Barbados in an experience. The beauty of this place is amazing, and the colors pop. Midday lighting had me hooked.

Long Exposure taken pre-dawn in the streets of Antigua, Guatemala. Shot at 100iso, F11, 30sec.

A unique view of the inside of a barrel as the lip of the wave closes in on my housing. This split second timing created an image that I have not seen the likes of. I often try to mimmic it, but have not succeeded in doing so. The next moment the barrel fell on my housing crushing it into my face.... ouch. Well worth the effort. Vero Beach, FL. Spring 2014.

Published in the issue #1 of Corduroy Lifestyles. Editors choice of Minnesota's abstract landscapes. Fall 2007.

Many nights were spent under the stars during my stay in Laguna Beach, CA. This guard tower was a favorite scene to soak up. Summer 2012.

Founder of House of 1817, John Hodge, gets a glimpse of the fading light as we leave the steps of Des Moines, Iowa Capital.